Notre Dame De La Mer

How do I...?

...Register for the Parish

Please complete the online form to register with the Parish. If you have any questions please email Sharon Mattia:
Click Here to Register Online
Haga Clic Aqui Para Registrarse

Please call the Parish office at 609.522.2709 for more information.

...Acquire intentions for  a Mass Card

To purchase a Mass Card, please come into the office during normal business hours or call the parrish office at 609.522.2709, x. 210.

...Schedule a Wedding

Please refer to Matrimony section of our web page located under SACRAMENTS. You can also contact Deacon Nick Danze at or by calling the parish office at 609.522.2709, ex.222

...Have my child Baptized

Please refer to the Baptism section of our web page located under SACRAMENTS.  You can also contact Deacon Nick Danze at or by calling the parish office at 609.522.2709, ex.222

...Add a name to the Prayer List

To add a name to the Parish Prayer List please call the Parish Office at 609.522.2709, ex.210.

...Arrange a Sick Call Visit

Please call the Parish office at 609.522.2709